Monday, February 9, 2009

Update on Bar-B-Q

We have had a bad winter, but now we can see the other side of it. Days getting longer, sun shining but to tell the truth we have had more snow and colder weather then we have had in over 8 years. Betty had surgery to repair her aorta. She is up and going strong, back dancing again. I have been certified as a Judge for the Kansas City Bar B Q society and the Memphis Barbecue Network. I am planning on competing in 2 or 3 that are close to home. I have this new cooker that is great. I just don’t have the help to man it that can be off from work enough. It usually takes 5 days.

For M.B.N. You do whole shoulders, whole hogs and ribs. For the K.C.B.S. you do butts or shoulders, ribs, chicken and beef brisket. You need at least 3 good strong people.

When you are there to judge you get to mill around. Believe you me, you will meet some of the nicest people in the world out on the BBQ trail. When cooking, about all that you will meet is the ones on each side of you. You get a LOT of good BBQ. It is much better than what you can buy. It is all so good you have a problem telling the best.

I ran 2 butts today using different dry rubs and basting sauce. On one I used a sweet glaze that I use on ribs but it was too sweet for me. I ran them at 225 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 hours and down to 200 degrees F for 2 hours while basting. All the grease was gone, tender, juicy and very tasty.

I have said this before. If enough are interested I will do a step-by-step where if you follow it you will have perfect Bar-B-Q and be the envy of your neighborhood. You can reach us at